The Treasury of National Jewels

The National Jewelry Treasury is housed within the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the heart of the City of Tehran. Here is the most dazzling collection of gemstones and jewelry known in the world. The Crown Jewels of Iran have been little more than a legend in the past. Travelers marveled at the splendor surrounding the shahs of ancient Persia; but few were permitted to examine it in any detail. Now the most spectacular objects have been placed on public display and form one of the country's principal tourist attractions. more...


Opening Hours
Saturday to Tuesday | 13:00-15:30
Ticket Counter closes at 15:00

The Treasury of National Jewels is closed on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and on National Official Holidays.

Ticket Price
3,000,000 Rials

No. 140, Ferdowsi Ave., Tehran, Iran
The Treasury of National Jewels
The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Contact us
Direct phone number of the Head of the Treasury of National Jewels
Phone: 64463785 | Fax: 21-64463763

64463030 | 64463799 | 64463792
64463790 | 64463793 | 64463738

Admission Policy

The minimum age of admission is 12.
On-line ticket is not available right now. Tickets can be purchased only on-site.
No personal stuff (other than the Treasury Booklet) is allowed inside the Treasury.
All personal stuff (including purse, bag, suitcase, backpack, cell-phone, smart watch, camera, lighter, cigarette, etc.) must be handed over to the Depository Counter.
Before entering the Treasury, all visitors must walk through security inspection gates.
The Treasury Tour Guide service is available in Persian (Farsi) and English languages only.
The Treasury Tour Guide service is free of charge for all visitors.
The Treasury has three staircases, and no elevator/escalator is available.
Depending on the number of visitors each day, there may be waiting line.


The Treasury of National Jewels appreciates your patience and cooperation 

Visits:   154,539