According to the Monetary and Banking Act of Iran (MBAI), the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI), as the regulator of monetary and credit system, is responsible for issuing of banknotes and minting of circulated coins.
Since its foundation in 1339/5/18 (SH), the right of issuing banknotes and circulated, commemorative & precious coins has been delegated to CBI.
After the victory of the glorious Islamic revolution, since 1362 (SH), all phases of designing and printing of banknotes, cheques, Iran cheques , participation papers in Rial and exchange, paper of current account cheques, identifications (types of passports ,visa, identifications and national cards), types of certifications and diplomas, types of travel authorization for the native and foreigners, insurance documents and other security papers requested by other organization are (being) executed by SPMO.