

Center for control of network security and banking urgencies (KASHEF), established on 9th of March 2014, upon the approval of the monetary and credit council of the central bank of Iran, to provide a single window for a comprehensive management of security incidents by the central bank of Iran as the custodian. This center is going to work alongside the computer security assistance centers in banks, to provide a secure shield for internal and external treats for the payments systems and electronic banking in Iran. more...


Date Security Management System (NAMAD) has been launched with the purpose of guaranteeing security, confidentiality, accuracy, precision, and irrefutability of the banking industries’ data. It also results in generating a secure digital identity for people in order to beneficiate from electronic banking. more...


The electronic financial telecommunication (SEPAM) has been established in order to automate financial communications and establishing a uniform and standardized infrastructure. more...

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