Dr. Seif's proposal for IMF regional training centre in lran

On his last day of visit to the US to attend IMF spring meeting, Dr. Seif, the governor of the central of the central bank of lran, met International Monetary fund (IMF) managing director Christine Lagarde. In the meeting, CBI governor elaborated the economic achievements of Iran including exit from stagflation, reduction of inflation rate, and securing economic stability during last year. He considered the achievements as a result of appropriate policies, coordination among cabinet members, and continuous backing by the president. Dr. Seif added the currency market is now experiencing a period of stability and positive expectations for future appear everywhere. Due to the drop of oil prices, the government has set a cautionary budget presuming that current situation is going to continue. Last year’s economic growth rate is anticipated to occur again while any progress in agreements between Iran and p5+1 will accelerate the realization of economic goals. Such an agreement accompanied by lifting sanctions against Iran will exert substantial impacts on economic environment and expansion of regional cooperation due to abundant economic potentials.
"Trade relations have long existed with some regional countries and they are destined to expand" he said.
Regarding oil production and export, CBI governor stated that Iran, as a member country, is determined to cooperate with other members and observe the production quotas as decided by OPEC.
Mrs. Lagarde endorsed the Iranian government for its achievements and expressed that the IMF is ready to offer any technical assistance concerning economic and financial issues.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Seif suggested that IMF establishes a regional training center based in Iran. The proposal was welcomed and put for further discussion.

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