Italian delegation met CBI official

Italian delegation met CBI official


In a meeting with Italian economic delegation, CBI deputy governor offered three proposals concerning formation of a working group for settlement of liabilities, expansion of banking relations, and promotion of economic cooperation.
According to CBI public relations department, Akbar Komijani, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran welcomed the delegation and added “The very presence of Italian delegation in Iran in less than two weeks after signing the nuclear deal is highly significant and promising. Fortunately, with the modifications made by the 11th administration, suitable grounds have been provided for expansion of banking relations”.
Expressing hopes for the effectiveness of visits in promotion of economic relations, the CBI deputy governor explained about recent transformations in Iranian economy. He referred to remarkable achievements of economic policy-makers with regard to inflation control and its fall from more than 40% to 15.6% in June 2015, economic growth rate of 3% after a deep recession in 2012 and 2013, stability of exchange market, improvements in investment, and resumption of stability in business environment.
In line with taking the new opportunities resulting from Iran’s negotiations with P5+1, Komijani offered three proposals to the Italian delegation;
First, since international sanctions have created some limitations for settlement of liabilities of Iranian banks, a committee comprising Italian and Iranian banks together with SACE will be formed to make arrangements for settlement of liabilities and continuation of banking relations.
Second, given the vital role of banking relations in development of business ties, the two countries should cooperate so as to accelerate and enhance banking relations. Komijani specifically mentioned suitable grounds for Iranian banks – in particular private ones- to open branches in Italy. At the time being, the only Iranian bank branch in Italy belongs to Sepah bank which is located in Rome. Komijani suggested that this branch should be more active in its operations.
Third, economic cooperation should be enhanced with regard to common investments especially in the fields which promoteIran’ export capabilities
 Expressing her gratitude, Federica Guidi, the head of Italian delegation referred to the long-standing economic ties between the two nations and emphasized the necessity to take the opportunities which will be provided after the implementation of nuclear deal.Meanwhile, representatives from SACE, Italian national bank, and Italian banking union pinpointed the strategic significance of Iranian economy for Italian activists and focused on proper conditions for banking, insurance, and –in general- business environment to improve mutual cooperation.
In the end, Komijani numerated the attractive vacant capacities of Iranian economy for foreign investors and expressed hopes that the working groups in the areas of business, banking, and insurance to be formulated as soon as possible.

 It should be noted that the Italian delegation headed by Federica Guidi and comprising representatives of companies, industries, investors, banks, banking union, and SACE were among the first economic activists who demonstrated  their enthusiasm in restoration of economic relations with Iran.


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