03 March 2016
The Central Bank of the I.R.Iran has published the latest edition of The journal of Annual Economic Review for 2014/15, featuring topics on Global economic developments, Central Asia and Middle East economic developments, Gross Domestic Product and Expenditure, developments of real economy, Oil Market developments, Fiscal sector developments, Asset Market developments and other subjects.
According to Central Bank of Iran PR department, the second year of the 11th government of hope and prudence witnessed the stabilization of macro economy due to factors such as the adoption of economic policies aiming at non-inflationary exit from the deep recession, tightly disciplined monetary and financial policies, the initial positive outcome of Iran negotiation with P5+1 countries on nuclear issues and the optimistic views on the ultimate agreement with P5+1.
The new issue of Annual Economic Review reads that Iranian economy, which showed eight quarters of negative growth and experienced a full recessionary cycle in 2012/13 (1391) and 2013/14 (1392) turned into a positive performance of 3.0 percent GDP growth in 2014/15. This growth in GDP combined with a sharp decline of inflation by 19.1 percentage points to 15.6 percent in 2014/15 from an extremely high level of 34.7 percent in the year before, strengthened Iran’s economy and set the national economy on a non-inflationary sustainable growth path.
The PDF file of “Annual Economic Review for 2014/15” is available for public access and can be obtained from “periodicals”, a subsection of “publications” in CBI website.