18 April 2016
In the fourteenth annual general assembly, Central Bank of Iran was elected as the director of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) in 2017.
According to CBI PR department, next session of the IFSB General Assembly in 2017 will be hosted by the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran. Akbar Komijani, the Deputy Governor of CBI attended the 28th meeting of IFSB Council as the vice president to discuss last year performance, plans, budget and financing strategies for 2017 and the procedures to assign the new secretary general of the organization.

On the sidelines of this summit, specialized meetings were convened on topics such as "Development of Islamic Capital Market through Sukuk", "Consumer Rights in Islamic Finance" and "Financial Stability and Policymaking" and speakers presented their latest findings and studies.
Islamic Financial Services Board is an international standardizing authority that was founded in 2002 in order to plan and devise rules and standards to oversee Islamic finance industry, including banking, capital market and insurance.
Lead by the Deputy Governor, Akbar Kamijani, CBI representatives attended the twenty-eighth session of the IFSB Council and its fourteenth General Assembly which was held in April 12th, 2016 and hosted by the Central Bank of Egypt in Cairo.