No Restrictions for Int'l Banking Operations

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iran announced that sanctions do not restrict Iranian banking interactions with any country, except USA.

According to CBI PR dept, Valiollah Seif made this remark when he received South African Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan, and added:"The P5+1 nuclear accord with Iran lifted all sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program but the primary sanctions which are prior to the nuclear talks are still in effect".
Seif mentioned the constructive banking relations between the two nations before the sanctions, and said: "sanctions interrupted these relations; consequently after lifting of the sanctions we should strive to further improve our relations."


"forming banking ties and supplying banking facilities to mutual economic activities is essential to escalate the economic collaboration capacities; therefore we are prepared to set the conditions and we invite South African Reserve Bank and banks to form banking ties and open mutual accounts" Seif added.
CBI Governor referred to South Africa as the Heart of the Continent and the gateway for establishing banking relations with all Africa.
Head of Money and Credit Council expressed his hope of restoring economic and banking relations between the two nations on a large scale. He reminded the fruitful investments made by Iran and South Africa in the past, including MTN Company. "Now the way is paved for such beneficial investments; we must try to get the full banking support for such matters." He said.
CBI Governor pointed out that small and medium banks will not have any problem in their correspondence with Iranian banks, and noted: "The penalties that were laid down by the Americans, make Big banks hesitant to form banking relations which decelerates normalization of international banking relations."
"Topics discussed with Americans eventually led to authorization of co-operation with Iranian banks of European banks by American secretary of state, John Kerry, and if there still remains any doubt, banks can contact Washington themselves" said Seif, disclosing the recent controversies between Iran and USA.
Seif also noted the progressive steps taken for the adoption of the CFT Law in Islamic Republic of Iran.
"On this subject, my colleagues' impressive presentation of the knowledge and expertise of Iranian banking system and our practices in the fields of AML and CFT in Paris and Rome drew a lot of attention; also in my meeting with Jack Lew, United States Secretary of Treasury, he confirmed that the Iranian banking status is favorable, however other steps must be taken." Seif added.
Seif also stated that financial structure optimization, improvement of balance sheets and growth in banking investments and bad- debt provisions are still the priorities which will be concluded soon.


Pravin Gordhan, South Africa's Minister of Finance congratulated Iran for the nuclear accord with the P5 + 1, and hoped for re establishment of economic relations to stimulate.
South African Minister of Finance acknowledged the opportunities in forming economic ties considering Iran as the pivot in the region."I'll convince the Banking Association of South Africa to send a delegation to Iran in order to establish direct relations", said Pravin Gordhan.


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