15 May 2016
TEHRAN -- Sunday, 15.5.2016 -- Heading a delegation of IMF experts, the IMF First Deputy Managing Director David Lipton entered Tehran to meet Iranian top-ranking authorities and discuss economic issues.
According to CBI PR dept, the IMF delegation will meet some Iranian officials including the President’s Chief of Staff, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iran, head of Management and Planning Organisation and Minister of Petroleum during their visit to Tehran.
David Lipton will also make a speech on “Iran on the way to its rightful position in the global economy” in CBI on Tuesday. As already planned, Mr. Lipton will meet some economic experts, bankers, and private sector businessmen during his stay in Iran.
The 3-day visit by the IMF delegation to Iran provides a unique opportunity to identify the economic capacities of Iran in its reintegration with global economy and building confidence for international trade.