CBI Governor's Remarks at the G24 Ministries and Governors Virtual Meeting

CBI Governor's Remarks at the G24 Ministries and Governors Virtual Meeting
As prepared for delivery

It is indeed a great honor and a privilege for me to serve as the chairman for the next twelve months. I would like to take the opportunity and appreciate all the efforts made by the Chair of the G-24 (Minister Ofori-Atta) and the government of Ghana for their leadership of the G-24 during this tumultuous year.
Considering the current deep recessions triggered by the pandemic, the roles and importance of the G-24 are growing day by day. In pursuance of its mission, we intend, to the fullest extent possible, to follow up the previous issues while making more constructive interactions with group members.

Furthermore, the availability of vaccines and treatments will enable the sustained return of economic activity. As a Group, we should continue to advocate for a globally coordinated response to ensure that all countries, with no exception, have access to affordable vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, on the basis of need and on humanitarian grounds, so that we can confidently restore our economic activities to their full potential. 

It goes without saying that IRAN has made an excellent success in risk management without registering any non-performing loan in its portfolio during the pandemic in the last 6 months. 

I am sure and certain that in our tenure, we will be able to develop policies based on future outlook and pre-determined goals so as to assist member countries to overcome this unprecedented twist and the current harmful conditions. Our joint plans will aim at the post-pandemic economic recovery, how to establish financial stability and, particularly, public debt management.

Last but not least, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the members for the opportunity bestowed to us to serve as the chair. 
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