Selected Economic Indicators for October-November 2024 Released

Selected Economic Indicators for October-November 2024 Released
TEHRAN (CBI PR Dept.) -The new issue of "Selected Economic Indicators" for Aban 1403, the eighth month of the Iranian calendar (22nd October – 20th November 2024), is now available for public access.

Selected Economic Indicators” is an electronic issue published monthly by the Central Bank, comprising the latest information and economic statistics on monetary and credit aggregates, the balance of payments, government budget and fiscal data, and the capital market.

The “Monetary and Credit Aggregates” tables cover statistics on the assets and liabilities of the banking system, including commercial, specialized, and private banks along with the Central Bank and non-bank credit institutions. This section also comprises data on banking facilities extended by banks and non-bank credit institutions.

The “Balance of Payments” category contains statistics on the balance of payments, the value and weight of imports and exports, external debt in million dollars and euros, and the rate of the US dollar against the Iranian rial, exchanged via the Electronic Transaction System (ETS) and in the unofficial market.

Furthermore, there is the “Capital Market” section which contains data on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) and Over-the-Counter (OTC) indices as well as sales of debt instruments at the end of each month.

Selected Economic Indicators can be accessed via this Link.
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