"Emerging Markets" Interview with BMJII Governor at the IMF-WB Annual Meetings

BMJII Governor, Dr. Bahmani, in an interview with "Emerging Markets" Magazine, which took place during the IMF-WB Annual Meetings, warned that the action taken by some countries to unilaterally sanction Iran, will damage the long-term commercial relations.

He stated that: "This is the best time to recognize our true friends. Tehran will reconsider policies towards the countries that have restricted their commercial relations under the pretence of unfounded political strains. Dr. Bahmani further added that Iran, as one of the biggest oil exporters and the second biggest owner of gas reserves, enjoys the advantage of extensive economic potentiality. That is why Iran can not be isolated. How this country would be isolated, while the very first negative impact of the sanctions inflicts upon those who have initiated it in the first place.

Sending out a message to the entire countries of the world, he stated that politics should not interfere with economic issues. Some countries, notwithstanding the fact that fair trade and boost of international transactions improve all nations' legal rights, brag about sanctions and also claim to be defenders of legal rights at the same time. There are of course situations, in which under certain political strains, countries have no other way but to constrain relations, while they do not believe in such measures when it comes to commercial relations.

Dr. Bahmani denied claims made by some observers that the 20 percent reduction of Rial value at the end of September is sign of substantial problems, stating that exchange rate should be evaluated in a medium-term time span. Unforeseen and daily fluctuations are inherent characteristics of exchange markets and can not be considered a base for ultimate evaluations.
 He pointed out that Iran has sufficient foreign currency and gold reserves to effectively control the market on a floating rate basis. International analysts examine market developments on the basis of foreign reserves accumulation of the countries, in terms of which Iran has a strong position.

Central Bank Governor said by reduction of inflation rate to  percent, compared to the 25.4 percent the year before, the pressure to devaluate Rial is alleviated now.

He further stated: "I would like to emphasize that we do not welcome resume of sanctions, but in constricted circumstances we do our best to adopt course of action that bear the most desired results. There is no "dead end" for a big economy like Iran."

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