BMJII Governor Remarks on Sanctions in Interview at the IMF-WB Annual Meetings

In response to reporters' questions on sanctions, Dr. Bahmani said that we do not welcome sanctions. The important point is despite being under sanctions – because of political and unjust reasons – we have managed to expand our economic and banking operations and activities. He expressed regret on receiving silence treatment from international bodies like IMF and the World Bank over the act of a number of countries to unilaterally sanction Iran on unfounded and unjustified reasons.

Responding to another question about IMF situation, he stated that IMF Managing Director must establish course of action for the developing countries to gain their legal rights. One of these tools is to bestow increased stock share and equal voting power to these countries. Iran, on behalf of its jurisdiction member countries, is persistently demanding and pursuing enhancement of status of these countries and also improvement of status of the low-income developing countries.

He pointed out the importance of financial stability of the region and further added that considering Iran's key role in sustaining stability in the region and also in the oil market, we express our interest to help working out answers to problems. We hope that wise policies in the interest of the world community must be adopted, before illogic ambitious acts of a number of countries pave the way to further escalate the economic crisis.

On the global crisis issue, he stated that it is still too soon to claim that we move past the crisis. Although there has been signs indicating growth, but this is very fragile because compared to the growth rate, unemployment rate has also increased. Unstable growth with no job creation is not counted as a cure. We must pursue job creation policies, bring stability and balance to the global economy, and rescue the poor from poverty. The World Bank must take necessary resources for investment and job creation in the low-income and developing countries from the developed countries that are the true reasons of the crisis. The World Bank, IMF and international organizations must put poverty reduction and reduction of food price in poor countries at the top of their policies and decisions. To this end, it seems inevitable to carry out a thorough reconsideration in these institutions.


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