Bank Licensing Department

To issue license for establishment and operation of banks and non-banking credit institutions, credit cooperative companies, qard-ol-hassaneh funds, foreign exchange brokers and leasing companies.

Main Duties: 
  1. Performing jobs related to issuance of license for establishment of banks non-banking credit institutions, leasing, foreign exchange brokers, qard-ol-hassaneh funds and credit cooperative companies.
  2. Inspection and evaluation of qualifications, record of activities, financial statements, professional competency and good reputation of founders and share holders.
  3. Inspection and evaluation of qualifications, record of activities, professional competency and good reputation of board of directors’ members and managing director.
  4. Inspecting articles of association and business plan of applicants of licenses.
  5. Inspecting applications of branch establishment, expanding and or closure within the framework of the related regulations.
  6.  Replying the correspondence of various authorities in relation to activity licenses of banks and non-banking credit institutions, credit cooperative companies, qard-ol-hassaneh funds, foreign exchange brokers and leasing companies.
  7.  Performing other affaires within the limits of duties and responsibilities.
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