Off-Site Supervision of Banks and Credit Institutions Department

Supervising and monitoring banks and credit institutions by obtaining and analyzing data and information received from banks and credit institutions
  • to identify various banking system risks
  • to  prevent potential financial crises
  • to  carrying out the required corrective actions
Main Duties:
  1. Gathering information from banks and credit institutions and preliminary assessment of quantity and quality of the information.
  2. Analyzing financial and non financial information received from banks and credit institutions in order to identify banking system risks.
  3. To determine the importance and impact of risks arising from activities of banks and credit institutions, proposed timely corrective actions, following up; and proposed disciplinary actions if necessary.
  4. Providing a comprehensive analysis or ad hoc reports of banking system and their various risks.
  5. Preparing and monitoring the procedures and instructions of off-site supervision.
  6. To determine the framework and main factors of   banks   and credit institutions’ reports (content, format, deadlines and frequency) in order to meet the department goals.
  7. Rating banks and credit institutions and assessing their financial position.
  8. To recommend appropriate disciplinary measures for banks and credit institutions which provide inadequate or incorrect information or not meeting deadlines for sending required information.
  9. To establish an Early Warning System in order to prevent potential damage to banking systems.
  10. To ensure that  banks and credit institutions follow rules and regulations, as well as, circulars issued by CBI.
  11. To verify calculation of required reserve and weekly adjustment ( if  any).
  12. Effective cooperation with other supervisory departments of the CBI  for licensing banks and credit institutions, also reviewing the applications for establishment of branches and representative offices of foreign banks.
  13. Holding regular supervisory meetings with board of directors and senior managers of banks and credit institution in order to discuss the concerned issues and to notify them the results of off-site supervision reports.
  14. Coordination of General Ledger Accounts  committee’s meetings as committee’s Secretariat.
  15. Performing other tasks within the framework of general duties and responsibilities of the department.
Main Relations:
  • According to the organizational structure, Off-site Bank Supervision Department  reports  to Director General of Banks and Credit Institutions Supervision.
  • To carrying out its duties and responsibilities, Off- site  Bank  Supervision Department interacts with banks, credit institutions, foreign banks branches and Audit Organizations.
  • To perform duties, Off-site Banks Supervision Department collaborates with other supervisory departments, Payment Systems Department, Economical Research Department, Budget and Accounting Department,   International Department and Foreign Exchange Departments.
  • Off-site Bank Supervision Department communicates with a few international organizations such as Bank for International Settlements, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Supervisory Authorities in other countries.
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