
Appointment dates of the Governors of the CBI since its establishment.

Firstname Lastname Date
Ebrahim Kashani 19601
Ali Asghar Poor Homayoon 1961
Mahdi Samii 1964
Khodadad Farmanfarmayan 1969
Mahdi Samii 1970
Abdolali Jahanshahi 1971
Mohammad Yeganeh 1973
Hassan-Ali Mehran 1975
Yoosef Khoshkish 1978
Mohammad Ali Molavi 1979
Alireza Nobari 1979
Seyyed Mohsen Nourbakhsh 1981
Majid Ghasemi 1986
Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Adeli 1989
Seyyed Mohsen Nourbakhsh 1994
Mohammad Javad Vahaji (DeputyGovernor)2 2003
Ebrahim Sheibany 2003
Tahmasb Mazaheri 2007
Mahmud Bahmani 2008
Valiollah Seif 2013


  1. Central Bank of Iran was established in 1960
  2. According to Monetary and Banking Law, Article 19 , Note C, Mr Mohammad Javad Vahaji, Deputy Governor, shall wield all the powers of Governor Nourbakhsh after his demise in the early 2003
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