
Producer of different high security papers
In 70 or 120 gram using hologram and security thread.
Covering of the security thread in the form of windows and embed.
Printing color bands which changes color with changes in view angle.
Printing specific bands visible under UV lights.

Online control using scanner, which make it possible to produce fault free products according to international applicable standards.

In this section the thickness, moisture and quantity of the paper is monitored. 

Transversal cut in different widths required and online monitoring with laser to remove reject.

Quality control of the product using laser for quality conformance or produced items upon predetermined specifications and standards.


The ability to wrap cut paper in packages having certain count and the possibility to create wrapping package in the form of stretched pallet which protect the product during transportation and high durability for safe storage

Guiding all production systems through PLS and DCS network and operation control.

DSC system for the plant is consisted form 15 automation stations connected with each other through industrial Ethernet network under TCOP/IP protocol and the whole unit is connected to operator station and engineering stations.

Using visible and invisible fibers in four yellow, blue, Red and green colors which can be visible under UV light only.

Sensitivity to anti-forgery materials which is obtained adding the necessary additives to paper.

The ability to insert security threads in 1-3 mm width.

Possibility to produce certain security papers which can be sensed by specific sensors which is a symbol of paper authenticity.

Monitoring all produced paper parameters in laboratories equipped with state of the art measuring equipments.

Performing numerous online tests on input raw materials paste and papers, consumer water and waste water going out of the factory through advanced measuring tools to study the specifications, physical, mechanical and intrinsic resistant in the final product complying European codes.

Designing suitable portrait for watermark in certain dimensions, according to customer demand using specialty software.

Design and production of original mould including watermark and security windows suitable for ordered thread and requested options.

Inserting e-type beside watermark in the form of requested logos, letters and numbers.

Making suitable production cover using specific characteristics for each order.

Creation of watermark in high resolution and three dimensional views in local areas or spread over the paper

Advanced security control using fixed and movable closed-circuit camera and real time monitoring of different halls in order to increase safety coefficient for products


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