Date of birth: 1965
Educational records:
● PhD. Economics (General and international trade), 2000
● MA. Econometrics, Tehran University, 1993
● BA. Theoretical economics, Shahid Beheshti University, 1989
● High School. Mathematics, Imam Khomeini High School, Kashan, 1983
Administrative records:
● Governor, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2022-present
● Executive director and board member, Bank Melli Iran, 2021- 2022
● Executive director and board member, Bank Karafarin, 2019- 2022
● Chairman of the board, Bank Karafarin, 2013- 2019
● Chairman of the executive board, National Development Fund, 2012- 2013
● Member of Money and Credit Council, Central Bank of Iran, 2012- 2013
● Deputy Minister in economic affairs, Ministry of economy and financial affairs, 2009- -2012
● Board member, Keshavarzi Bank, 2010- 2013
● Secretary of the working group for the transformation of the banking system, presidential office, 2011- 2013
● Secretary of the working group for valuation of national currency, presidential office, 2011
● Secretary of the committee for targeting subsidies, presidential office, 2010- 2013
● Secretary of the working group for distribution of goods and services, presidential office, 2009- -2010
● Secretary of the working group for transformation of the tax system, presidential office, 2010- 2011
● Spokesman for economic transformation project, presidential office, 2008- 2013
● Member of the Supreme Council for policy making and planning, Ministry of Commerce, 2002- 2003
● Managing director of planning and development, Ministry of Commerce, 2002- 2003
Teaching records:
● Faculty member (Associate professor), Allameh Tabatabaee University
● Membership in three departments of finance and banking, commercial economics, and tourism management, Allameh Tabatabaee University
● Teaching micro and macroeconomics, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 1994- 2006
● Teaching international trade and international finance, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 1994- 2005
● Teaching tourism economics and tourism trade, MA level, Allameh Tabatabaee University 2004- present
● Teaching macroeconomics, BA and MA levels, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2009- present
● Teaching macroeconomics, PhD level, Azad University, South Tehran branch, 2014- 2015
● Teaching tourism economics, PhD level, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Pardis branch
● Teaching international finance, PhD level, Azad University, science and research branch, 2016- present
● Teaching macroeconomics, PhD level National Defense University, 2019
● Teaching International banking, MA level, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2021
● Teaching International Financial Management, MA level, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2021
Awards and trophies:
● Service trophy from the president, 2013
● Top faculty researcher, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2004
● Top translator, faculty of accounting and management, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2004
● Top MA student, Tehran University
Published books:
● Studies in globalization and economic transitions, Keith Griffin, translation, Budget and planning organization Publications, 1999
● Tourism economics, Krishna Murthy,, translation, commercial publication company, 2004
● Targeting subsidies: Theory to practice, The Institute of economic affairs, 2011
● Long-term planning in Japanese companies, head of translation team, 1999
● Pathology of the distribution network, The institute of commercial research and studies, 2009
● The principles of economic transformations based on targeting subsidies, Economic deputy of the ministry of Economic and financial affairs, 2012
● The price of inequality, Joseph Stieglitz, translation, Allameh Tabatabaee University Publications, 2015
● Tourism economics, translation and compilation, Allameh Tabatabaee University Publications, 2017
● Assessment methods in tourism economics, Donyaye Eghtesad Publications, 2020
Papers and research projects:
● Rational expectations and monetary policies in Iran, MA thesis, 1993
● project manager for the Economic assessment of tourist attractions in Shush County, 1989
● A review of the endogenous theory in Iran, Journal of budget and planning organization, 1997
● A review of the trade policies in auto industry, Journal of budget and planning organization, 1998
● Transition to market- based economy: lessons from China for Russia and east Europe, Journal of budget and planning organization, 1999
● Open economy and its opponents, Journal of management development, 1999
● A review of protection policies in auto, sugar and steel industries, PhD dissertation, 2000
● A review of protection policies in steel industry, Journal of Allameh Tabatabaee University, faculty of economics, 2000
● A review of protection policies in auto industry, Journal of budget and planning organization, 2000
● Project manager for Identification of the share of prioritized industrial fields in total value-added of the industry and a review of job creation and its costs in industries, Ministry of the mine and industries, 2002
● Productivity changes in hoteling industry, the conference of productivity in hoteling sector, Singapore, August 2001
● Productivity changes in commercial sector, the conference of productivity in services sector, Malaysia, August 2002
● Productivity changes in hoteling industry, Journal of Tourism studies, Allameh Tabatabaee University, faculty of accounting and management, 2003
● A critique of tourism development plans in Iran, the conference of tourism development plans, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2003
● Contemplation on the position and the role of Mostazafan foundation in social and economic domains, Journal of Goftegoo, 2003
● Productivity changes in tourism industry, Journal of Tourism studies, 2003
● Project manager for The feasibility of joining WTO, The Expediency Council, 2003- 2004
● An economical investigation of traveling in Iran, Journal of commercial studies, 2004
● Project manager for Tourism cooperatives in Iran, Ministry of Cooperatives, 2004
● Project manager for Pathology of distribution network in Iran (fruits and vegetables, clothing, milk), The Institute for commercial research and the studies, 2004
● Electronic tourism and its development challenges in Iran, Conference of Electronic Commerce, Ministry of Commerce, 2005
● The application of IT and communication in tourism industry, the conference of the role of tourism in development of Mazandaran province, 2005
● Project manager for Formulation of a long-term training plan in tourism sector, the organization of cultural heritage and tourism, 2006
● Project manager for Assessment of Economic Security in Iran, Expediency Council, the Regulatory Commission, 2007
● Project manager for The comprehensive tourism plan for Systan and Baluchistan province, The Institute of Earth and geography, University of Systan and Baluchistan, 2007
● Cultural tourism, the journal of commercial studies, 2007
● Pathology of the milk distribution network in Iran, Journal of agricultural economics, 2008
● Measuring the efficiency of selected hotels in Tehran, based on DEA method, journal of economic research, 2008
● Cooperation in and contribution to tourism, speech made in The faculty of accounting and management, Allameh Tabatabaee University, 2008
● Recognition of the position and activity domain of tourism cooperatives in the world and in Iran, Journal of Tourism studies, 2008
● Recognition of the management system for tourist destinations and its development challenges in Iran, Journal of geography and development, 2009
● Effect of the internet on obtaining competitive advantage, Journal of Daneshvar Raftar, 2010
● Subsidy targeting and promotion of national productivity in Iran, the conference of economic Jihad based on national productivity, 2011
● A review of the effective factors in competitive advantage of tourist destinations in Iran, case study: Chabahar region, Journal of Tourism studies, 2011
● An investigation of the effects of intellectual property rights on innovation in developing Islamic countries, Journal of economic research, 2011
● An investigation of the effects of FDI on economic growth: integration of dynamic systems and econometrics, journal of economic research and policies, 2012
● An estimation of the willingness of foreign and local visitors to pay for entry tickets to Iran national museum, Journal of Tourism studies
● An investigation of the impact of e-commerce on inflation in selected developing countries, Journal of economic research and policies, 2013
●An investigation of the relationship between intellectual capital and market value of pharmaceutical companies in Tehran Stock Exchange, Journal of applicable economic studies, 2013
● Modeling for forecasting the inflow of tourists to Iran based on ARIMA method and fuzzy neural networks, Journal of Tourism management studies, 2013
● Identification of key sectors in Iranian tourism industry based on input-output model, quarterly journal of economics, 2015
● An assessment of the perception of demand side and supply side of tourism development based on IPA, case study: Suleghan village, Journal of geography and development, 2018
● Modeling for forecasting the tourism demand to visit relatives and friends in Tehran, Journal of Tourism planning and development, 2018
● Provision of an appropriate model for Iran national wealth fund based on economic resilience, Journal of Strategic Management of National Defense, 2018
● Modeling for forecasting leisure tourism demand inside Tehran, Journal of Social Studies of Tourism, 2018
● Synthetic modeling for forecasting of medical tourism demand inside Tehran, Journal of Health Management, 2018
● Management of coastal tourism; an integrated analysis, Journal of Development and Tourism, 2018
● An institutional analysis of market exchange costs and SMEs in Iranian tourism, Journal of planning and development of tourism, 2018
●Effects of the development of inflow of tourism on production and employment in economic sectors; structural course analysis approach, Journal of Tourism and development
● Iran-The Chronicles of The Subsidy Reform, International Monetary Fund, 2011
● A survey of Critical Success Factors for Strategic Knowledge Management implementation: applications for Service Sector, Growing Science journal, 2012.
● Farzin, MR, GolLaleh, Hamodollahi (2014, May), "Estimation of Tourism Demand Function in Iran", Indian Journal of Scientific Research, Special Issue of IJSR.
● Farzin, MR, (2016), “Model of Economic system of Iran”, Supreme National Defense university
●Farzin, MR, Roman Zytek (2016), "Iran – The Chronicles of the Subsidy Reform: Successes, Controversies, and Shortcomings of the 2010 Reform and Lessons for Future Reforms", Accepted in IAEE Working Paper.