Asghar Abolhasani Hastiani, Vice Governor (International Affairs)

Personal Information

Name: Mohsen Karim
Designation: Vice Governor, International Affairs, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Date of Birth: August 08, 1983 

Ph.D.: Monetary and Financial Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, 2019
Ph.D. Visiting Student, Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna, Pisa, Italy, Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), to conduct joint research on foreign exchange market simulation, 2014-2015 
Master’s: Socio-Economic Systems Engineering, Economics field, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 2006-2009
Bachelor’s: Computer Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. 2001-2006 

-  Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Vice Governor, International Affairs, 2021
- Representative of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) negotiations, Vienna, 2021
- Co-founder of the companies that provide modern international banking solutions, 2016-2021 
•    Designing and implementing decentralized interbank messaging and clearing infrastructure.
•    Designing and implementing interbank messaging infrastructure based on the Distributed Ledger Technology 
•    Designing an interbank settlement model based on the Block Chain technology in order to create a distributed transnational cryptocurrency.
- Executive of the research project titled "ECO Regional Payment System", ordered by the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Secretariat, 2020-2021.
- Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Secretary of the Committee on Measures to Counter Sanctions, 2012-2013.
“International Economics”  and “Monetary Economics”  Instructor in Master and Bachelor Programs in Various Iranian Universities.

"Planning in Iran, a historical analysis focusing on developments, the role and the position of the Program and Budget organization - the first volume before the Islamic revolution, 2017.
- "Designing an agent-based model for the analysis of the foreign exchange market in the framework of the stock-flow consistency approach in an open economy", Ph.D. theses.
- "Investigation of the effect of free trade on the heterogeneity of industrial technology in European members of OECD", MSc theses.
-Necessity of removing intermediate currencies from Iran's trade and defending the position of national currencies in the future monetary systems of the world ", 2012.

- Financial architecture of the world after the crisis - a review of the existing financial models and providing a suitable proposal for the Islamic Republic of Iran,  2011.
- Presenting a model for the independence of monetary policies from financial policies - criticizing Iran's monetary and banking law with the approach of creating a balance between the powers and accountability of the central bank" at the National Conference on Economics, Tehran University, 2011.

- The best analytical article in the Second National Press Festival of Iran by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, 2011.
- Design and Implement a Scheme for Bilateral and Multilateral Monetary Agreements" in the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2009-2010.
- The main speaker of Blockchain-based Economy meetings at the Smart Economy Conference, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Tehran, May 2021.
Some highly referenced economic articles in Iran's newspapers:
• A currency war with more complicated consequences than the aggravation of recession in the world, 19 September 2011.
• The need to balance the central bank's authority and accountability, 25 July 2011.
• Finding the root of United States debt and its difference from the other countries' debt, 29 August 2011
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